ISSA recently partnered with The ValueExchange to jointly launched a survey on the drivers for Asset Servicing Automation. The survey targeted three key constituents in the overall process: Issuers and their Agents, Securities Servicers, including Custodian Banks and Central Securities Depositories and Institutional Investors/Asset Managers. The key findings of that survey have now been published by The Value Exchange and are available for download. 

Link to the Value Exchange

Link to the Survey Key Findings

Last year, ISSA’s Asset Services Working Group formed a subgroup on “Technology Enablers”, which worked closely with The Value Exchange on this survey. This subgroup will now utilize the key findings to drive its work in investigating the potential for utilizing technology to improve operational processes in Asset Servicing. A key part of that work will be validating important aspects of the key findings from the Issuer/Issuer Agent perspective, to determine areas of automation investment can benefit all three constituencies. A paper on that subject is planned for late 2024/early 2025.