ISSA Publishes “Future of Securities Services 2024-2030”

In 2020, ISSA published the “Future of Securities Services”. The paper outlined a set of key forces and strategic themes expected to impact the Securities Services industry over the subsequent five to ten years, to allow industry leaders to take informed actions and to foster collaboration among ISSA members to solve industry-level problems.

The paper identified ten important trends or forces in Capital Markets/Securities Services and concluded that changes in investor behaviour, as well as changes in technology and technology-enabled competition, are likely to have the biggest impact on the industry.

An ISSA working group (WG) was reconvened last year to review the paper. Its task was to verify whether – or not – the original hypothesis had occurred or was still in progress, and to forecast the future impact of key forces on the direction of the Securities Services industry. In addition, the WG was asked to include any additional forces that it felt were significant for the Securities Services industry and to detail why. That work is now complete and is presented in this revised paper, adding an eleventh trend/force – Accelerated Settlement, as well as a third composite force – Geopolitics.

The output both validates, and feeds into, the ISSA agenda for 2024 and onwards. The ISSA Board, along with the CEO Office, continues to actively manage ISSA’s priorities and, as can be seen in the paper’s concluding section, ensures that the strategic themes identified for the industry match the core ISSA agenda.

As part of the revised paper, videos of senior leaders from ISSA member firms, speaking on topics covered in the paper, have been embedded and can be accessed in the various sections, or via the links below:

  • Paul Maley, Global Head of Securities Services, Regional Head of Corporate Bank (Americas), Deutsche Bank, ‘Custody in the Cloud’.