ISSA – Sustainability, Data Flows Document

The Sustainability Working Group (WG) has increasingly realized what a complex and ever evolving space ESG data is. As a result, the WG participants wanted to provide a visual tool that can help ISSA members to better understand this complexity, find a source of some of the key resources and challenges between ESG related data and spark some thought on how the Securities Services industry can assist in driving forward the use of ESG data. The approach agreed has been to create an interactive map that shows key participants in the investment lifecycle and how they connect with Securities Services providers to offer, collate and utilize ESG data.

The document is designed to be a resource for use by ISSA members and the broader Securities Services industry when considering the ever-evolving space of ESG data.  The vision for this document is to provide the industry with a base level of information for some of the core regulatory, product and geographical considerations for ESG data. The document can be accessed here.