Evolving Technologies Working Group
This is a new Working Group that will commence meeting on 06 November 2024. If you are interested in joining, please contact Miriam Breil at miriam.breil@issanet.org.
The Evolving Technologies Working Group (WG) will focus on looking at solutions for the Securities Services industry which are enabled by various evolving technologies. The WG will consist of four streams, three new streams plus a continuation of the transversal efforts and key topics such as the “DLT in the Real-World annual survey“. The four streams are:
- Client experience
- Data and Analytics
- UX and UI design
- APIs
- Digital Transformation
- Cloud
- Confidential computing
- AI & LLMs (hard link with CX – Data and analytics)
- Digitization (incorporating Digitization WG)
- Quantum
- Value chain transformations
- DLT and Digital Assets
- Tokenization of Collateral
- Real World Asset Tokenization
- WG-wide transversal efforts
- SIBOS and Industry engagements
- Podcasts
- DLT in the Real-World annual survey
Key Deliverables
Key Outcomes
Working Group Co-Chairs
- Steve Everett, TMX Group Limited
- Glen Fernandes, Euroclear
Executive Sponsor
- Caroline Butler, BNY
Institutions Represented by Experts in the Working Group
- Accenture Plc
- Acupay System LLC
- Archax Holding Ltd
- B3 Brazilian Exchange and OTC
- Bloomberg LP
- BNP Paribas S.A
- Citi
- ClearToken Holding Limited
- CMU OmniClear Limited
- Deposito Central de Valores (DCV)
- Deutsche Bank AG
- Deutsche Börse Group
- Digital Asset Holding, LLC
- DZ Bank AG
- Euroclear
- Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation GLEIF
- Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
- KDD Central Securities Clearing Corporation
- Montran
- MUFG Bank, Ltd
- MYRIAD Group Technologies Ltd
- Northern Trust Corporation
- NowCM
- Rand Merchant Bank – Custody Services
- Royal Bank of Canada
- S&P Global
- State Street Corporation
- Swiss Re Ltd
- Tata Group
- Taurus
- The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
- The Global Blockchain Business Council
- The Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd
- TMX Group Limited
- U.S. Bank N.A
- Zürcher Kantonalbank