DLT Survey 2023 launched today
The fourth annual ISSA Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) survey has launched today.
The previous three have been a huge success with great insights coming from more than 200 organizations globally for each survey. Those insights drove the 2021 and 2022 DLT Working Group Agenda and have led to papers on the Voice of Customers, the CBDC and Interoperability & Standards and the Digital Asset Custody Subgroup.
The aim is the same for 2023: To deepen ISSA’s and the industry’s collective understanding of what is actually happening in the market place in respect of the DLT trends and evolutions year on year.
Not only have we, as an industry, benefitted from the general insights but those firms who participated were provided with personalised benchmarks against their peers which drove huge value and influenced firm’s strategic approach to DLT.
The value of the survey, created by the ISSA DLT WG and its partner The ValueExchange, depends on as many responses as possible, hence you are kindly asked to ensure that your firm responds.
Please use this link to respond to the survey.
If you enter your email address in the first question you will get the benchmarked report sent to you after the analysis is complete. Please remember that all responses are confidential and covered by our confidentiality undertaking with the ValueExchange.
As always, quality of the output is important in order to maintain ISSA’s reputation of delivering high quality knowledge and reports to our industry. This quality will be improved with the biggest cross section of responses that we can muster, so please play your part. We strongly encourage you to send out the link to your clients and partners, so that the survey results provide the most comprehensive insight possible.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Colin Parry, ISSA CEO