Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Survey
We are excited to bring you the fifth annual ISSA Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Survey which has launched today.
The previous four have been a huge success, with great insights from more than 200 organizations worldwide in each survey. These insights have driven the agenda of the DLT Working Group and led directly to many of our papers, which can be found below:
Distributed Ledger Technology Working Group – ISSA (issanet.org)
The aim for 2024 is the same: To deepen ISSA’s and the industry’s collective understanding of what is actually happening in the marketplace in terms of DLT trends and development year after year.
Not only have we as an industry benefited from the general insights, but the participating firms have also been provided with personalised benchmarks against their peers, which has been valuable and has influenced the firm’s strategic approach to DLT.
The value of the survey, produced by the ISSA DLT WG and its partner The ValueExchange, depends on as many responses as possible, so please ensure that your firm responds.
Please use this link to respond to the survey or use the QR code below.
If you enter your email address in the first question, you will receive the benchmarking report when the analysis is complete. Please remember that all responses are confidential and covered by our confidentiality undertaking with the ValueExchange.
As always, the quality of the output is important in maintaining ISSA’s reputation for providing high quality knowledge and reports to our industry. This quality will be enhanced with the widest cross-section of responses we can muster, so please play your part. We strongly encourage you to share the link with your clients and partners so that the survey results provide the most comprehensive insight possible.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Colin Parry